By svinkle
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Togglific Mode Free Download
Do you find web animations distracting? Togglific provides a distraction-free web experience!
Do you find web animations distracting? Have difficulty focusing when reading on the web? Wish you could pause background videos? Togglific provides a distraction-free web experience!
Togglific will pause the following animations on click:
• CSS animations (animation and transform properties)
• JavaScript animations (requestAnimationFrame method)
• SVG animations
• jQuery animations
• Animated GIF and WEBP images
• HTML video elements
• Targets same-domain iframe elements for all of the above
Note: depending on how the underlying website was coded, Togglific could cause content to be difficult to read. Encourage web designers and developers to code in a way which supports no-animation states!
Technical Information
Package Name: | nonnndpheabjkjjnjondfcfgcmhfbckb |
Version: | 0.16.0 |
File size: | https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/vERz7LOdcnXhh1GGLfe2HWublRZH-WyII_UAUM5nqiqRfhOu0LkxaFbOu_rCsu2ani8uEcCHY4NqHuaeA5tZdc88OQ=w640-h400-e365-rj-sc0x00ffffff |