SmartVideo For YouTube™ for google chrome
By www.smarter.yt
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SmartVideo For YouTube™ for google chrome Mode Free Download
SmartVideo For YouTube Optimizer/Enhance. Provides ‘Smart Buffer’ for slow connections; auto loop; buffer preferences; quality selection; and more
SmartVideo provides better control over YouTube buffering, quality and playing options.
1. Works with all embedded/HTML5 YouTube videos. Be it a Facebook news feed video or a video directly from YouTube site.
2. With global preferences, all YouTube videos can be set to start on your wish.
– As soon as the page loads
– When the video is buffered completely, or whatever buffer percentage you choose.
– Let SmartVideo decide when it’s good to start playing. SmartVideo’s ‘smart buffer’ decides the buffer percentage based on your current download speed.
– Or just make the YouTube videos to start buffering when the page loads. You can play the video whenever you wish.
3. Along with above buffer strategies, you can opt not to initialize video until you click on it.
4. The buffer strategy can be set for individual YouTube player or as the Global preferences. Just hover your mouse over any YouTube video.
5. Calculates time left before the video starts playing. (Hover the mouse over the YouTube video)
6. Once a video is buffered as desired, notifications (sound and/or desktop notification) can be raised instead of playing the video.
7. SmartVideo can default the video quality or size based on your preference.
8. ‘Loop’ option on all YouTube videos.
9. Separate preferences for embedded, ‘on youtube.com’ videos and playlists.
10. Enable/disable ‘switching to HD on fullscreen’ option.
Contact me at:
smartvideo.chrome@ashishmishra.in or
All kinds of feedback are welcome. 🙂
Change log (v 0.9927):
1. Fixed issue related to video buffering when paused. Now, it will not break 3D videos.
2. Bugs introduced due to YouTube changes.
3. Now disabling the extension on YouTube editor page.
4. Added donate link on popups. Please donate :).
Change log (v 0.9927):
1. Fixed issue related to video buffering when paused.
2. Changed color of donate button. Please donate :).
Change log (v 0.9926):
1. Fixed issue related to setting size
2. Removed DomMutation event listener. Using observer now.
Change log (v 0.9925):
1. Fixed issue related to YouTube API changes which was causing videos not to buffer.
2. Some other bug fixes
Change log (v 0.9924):
1. Fixed issue related to setting up player size.
Change log (v 0.9923):
1. Fixed page action issue for loop button.
Change log (v 0.9922):
1. Fixed issues related to playlists not moving ahead.
2. HTML5 video quality selection is supported. (Still experimental!)
3. Support for new YouTube UI
4. And as usual bug fixes.
Change log (v 0.9921):
1. YouTube changed the video urls. Fixed that.
2. Changed manifest version to 2.
3. HTML Notifications are not supported by chrome anymore. Going back to simple notifications.
Change log (v 0.992): (Don’t want v1 till HTML5 quality is controlled 🙂 )
1. Fixed issue with enforcing that videos are loaded even when they are paused.
2. Provided feature to enforce video buffering for embedded videos.
Change log (v 0.991): (Don’t want v1 till HTML5 quality is controlled 🙂 )
1. Fixed issues with defaulting qualities.
2. If not needed, avoiding the setting of wmode property on embed.
Change log (v 0.99):
1. Fixed the issue with selecting “small” quality.
Change log (v 0.98):
1. Fixed the issue where smart buffering was not started when quality is selected.
2. Added better logging. Logging can be enabled if some error is encountered. This would help in better debugging.
Change log (v 0.97):
1. Fixed issue with loading of the SmartVideo.
2. Added a new option to force buffer videos on YouTube even when the video is paused. This feature is currently not available for embeded videos. Work in progress on that. On embeded videos if the buffering is stalled, the SmartBuffer will assume that the desired buffering is finished and start the video.
3. Added a new option to turn of annotations.
4. Clicking on desktop notification will take you to the tab where the video is loaded.
5. Now desktop notification also has “preferences” button.
6. Minor bug fixes.
Change log (v 0.96):
1. Correcting default preference for playlist overrides.
Change log (v 0.95):
1. Support for player resize preference.
2. Bug fixes.
Change log (v 0.94):
1. Added support for HTML5 videos (finally 🙂 ).
2. Support for iframe embedded videos.
3. Added a new buffer strategy to stop video initialization unless user clicks on the video.
Change log (v 0.93):
1. Localization support.
2. UI for the popup changed.
3. Bug fix. Thanks to Gabriel and many others for providing info on issues and helping me debug it.
Quality selection is not available for HTML5 videos.
YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. This extension is not associated with YouTube or Google Inc in any way.
Technical Information
Package Name: | lnkdbjbjpnpjeciipoaflmpcddinpjjp |
Version: | 0.9931 |
File size: | 181KiB |