Signal by Drafted Extension
By Drafted, Inc
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Signal by Drafted Extension
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Signal by Drafted Extension
Signal finds intros & referrals to your favorite companies as you browse their jobs. Made by Drafted. More at signal.drafted.us
Signal helps you get intros to companies you are interested in. Signal helps you send the perfect referral request to a friend who can help you right as you’re browsing the job that you’re interested in, without having to separately search on LinkedIn or Indeed, or having to spend 30 minutes composing the perfect email.
If you search for any job you get thousands of results, and you have thousands of connections, so it can be challenging to figure out how to navigate the millions of possible introductions you might have to various companies, especially when some of your connections may not have seen you in years and might not even remember you!
Don’t worry – try Signal (it’s free) and you’ll see!
*What is Signal?*
Signal is a chrome extension that helps you find introduction pathways to companies you are interested in through your friends and colleagues.
*Who should use Signal?*
If you find yourself reading reviews on Glassdoor, browsing Indeed or Google Jobs, and reading company About pages to figure out what your next move is, or being annoyed at companies for not getting back to you on your application, Signal can probably help.
*How does it work?*
Signal cross references your contacts with company pages you’re on, to find you introductions that are relevant. For example, if you went to a Google careers page, Signal would understand that and find people in your network that either work at Google, used to work at Google, or know someone that works at Google, to help you get an intro.
*Why does Signal need my contacts?*
Signal will ask for access to your email and LinkedIn connections. At least one of these is required for Signal to work for you. If Signal doesn’t know your contacts, it won’t be able to find you any introductions.
Signal does store your connections, and uses them to find more introduction pathways through the Drafted network, in a responsible way. It’s best illustrated with an example.
Let’s say that Lucille and Buster are both using Signal separately, and add their Google contacts to Signal. Lucille works at Bluth Company and Buster works at the Banana Stand company
Let’s say that Lucille and Buster both have someone named Tobias Fumke in their contacts.
If Lucille goes to the careers page for Banana Stand, Signal would tell her to get an introduction to Buster, through Tobias Fümke.
If Buster goes to the careers page for Bluth Company, Signal would tellhim to get an introduction to Lucille, through Tobias Fümke.
*Who makes Signal?*
Signal is part of the Drafted network and made by the team at Drafted in Cambridge, MA, USA. You can reach us at hello@drafted.us
*How do I get help?*
Send us a note at support@drafted.us and say that you have a problem with Signal.
Why did you make Signal and how can you make it for free?
We are a network company that provides paid services to businesses (called Drafted) and free tools to job seekers (called Signal). We believe that introductions are the best way to advance your career, and they’re also incredibly powerful in business. Over 50% of the United States finds their first job through an introduction or referral, regardless of industry, location, or demographic.
While working with over 100 businesses, we saw first hand how resumes can get lost in a black hole. We saw that it’s usually not because some individual is bad at their job, it’s more often that the internal system for responding to candidates is broken. The most enterprising job seekers work around the system by networking their way to an introduction or referral, which increases their chances of getting the interview and job by 7-8x.
That’s why we created Signal, to make it easier for all job seekers to do this. We can make it free because companies pay us to improve their internal systems, and one day we hope to connect the dots and get paid by companies for indirectly bringing them more job seekers. But for now it’s free 🙂
Technical Information
Package Name: | mhlikcpdcklbekgelljainemkmgcjklo |
Version: | 0.0.6 |
File size: | 177KiB |