Password Alert

Password Alert for google chrome


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Downlaod Password Alert for google chrome



Password Alert for google chrome Mode Free Download

Password Alert

Password Alert helps protect against phishing attacks.
If you enter your Google Account password or Google for Work password into anywhere other than Google’s sign-in page, you’ll receive an alert, so you can quickly change your password if needed.

Password Alert also checks each page you visit to see if it’s impersonating Google’s sign-in page, and alerts you if so.

— When will Password Alert take effect?
Password Alert will initialize itself the next time you enter your password into

— Does Password Alert store my password or keystrokes?
No. Password Alert doesn’t store your password or keystrokes — instead, it stores a secure thumbnail of your password, which it compares against a thumbnail of your most recent keystrokes within Chrome.

— Where does Password Alert send data?
If you are using Password Alert in a Google Account, Password Alert does not send any data from your local computer. If your Google for Work administrator chooses to deploy Password Alert across your domain, the administrator will receive alerts when Password Alert triggers.

— What are Password Alert limits?
Password Alert only operates inside the Chrome web browser when Javascript is enabled. Password Alert doesn’t protect Chrome Apps or Chrome Extensions, and it only protect incognito tabs if configured at chrome://extensions. It also does not protect passwords for non-Google services.

— Where can I find more details?
Visit the full FAQ at, or you can see the entire open-source codebase at

By installing this item, you agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at

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Category: ,

Operating System: Web Borwser

Price: Free

Author Details

Mst. Kulsum Akter

Technical Information

Package Name: noondiphcddnnabmjcihcjfbhfklnnep
Version: 1.27
File size: 323KiB

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