Lightweight JSON Viewer for google chrome

Lightweight JSON Viewer for google chrome

By metarmask

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Lightweight JSON Viewer for google chrome


Lightweight JSON Viewer for google chromeScreenshots

Lightweight JSON Viewer for google chrome Mode Free Download

Parses JSON and displays it just like in the DevTools console.
Detects plaintext JSON on pages, parses and displays it just like in the DevTools console. Great if you don’t need advanced features and don’t want to install a large extension which eats up RAM all the time.

What makes this extension lightweight?
* It uses very little RAM

Unlike other extensions like similar to this one Lightweight JSON Viewer uses an event page and a tiny content script which means RAM usage will be next to nothing when it isn’t used.

* It doesn’t take up much space

Other similar extensions use fancy JSON parsing libraries to check for errors and handle edge cases. This extension on the other hand uses the built-in JSON.parse method which already exists in the browser.

Upcoming features:
* Options to customize how JSON is displayed
* Shortcuts for navigating and searching JSON

This extension uses files from both WebKit and Chromium which means this extension has the same license as them. You can find the license for this extension in the LICENSE file.

Category: ,

Operating System: Web Borwser

Price: Free

Author Details

Volume master google extension



Ruhul kabir is an Executive officer of He loves the new Technology for learing. He normally published every Technology related in his post. He also works this website article Share at

Technical Information

Package Name: mnolfchlchbjopfpboapinpgimdmifep
Version: 1.1
File size: 45.21KiB

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