hCAPTCHA Solver: auto captcha bypass

hCAPTCHA Solver: auto captcha bypass

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hCAPTCHA Solver: auto captcha bypass


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hCAPTCHA Solver: auto captcha bypass Mode Free Download

An extension to automatically solve any type hCAPTCHA
An extension to automatically solve any type hCAPTCHA.


How does it work.
To get your API key you need to create an account on the solving service.
Without API key extensions do not work.

By completing hCAPTCHA on all websites, a browser addon assists users in solving difficult captchas.

It is not guaranteed that the verification will always be solved. The technological limitations must be considered.

Captcha difficulty can be so off-kilter that they appear friendlier to bots than to humans at times.

The project’s goal is to improve our experience with captchas by providing easy access to solutions already used by automated systems.

reCAPTCHA challenges continue to be a significant burden on the web, delaying and frequently blocking access to services and information based on physical and cognitive abilities, social and cultural background, and the devices or networks from which they are connected.

Category: ,

Operating System: Web Borwser

Price: Free

Author Details

Volume master google extension




Ruhul kabir is an Executive officer of googleextension.com. He loves the new Technology for learing. He normally published every Technology related in his post. He also works this website article Share at Googleextension.com

Technical Information

Package Name: imgmoeegfjhhmljmphfkjeibkiffcdgl
Version: 1.0.1
File size: 105KiB

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