Fake news debunker by InVID & WeVerify
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Fake news debunker by InVID & WeVerify
Fake news debunker by InVID & WeVerify Mode Free Download
Fake news debunker by InVID & WeVerify
InVID WeVerify extension
This plugin has been designed as a verification “Swiss army knife” helping journalists, fact-checkers, and human rights defenders to save time and be more efficient in their fact-checking and debunking tasks on social networks especially when verifying videos and images. This is a new version redesigned and enhanced with new tools, developed within the Horizon 2020 EU innovation action WeVerify.
The provided tools allow you to quickly get contextual information on Facebook and Twitter images and videos, as well as on Youtube videos, to perform reverse image search on Google, Yandex, Bing, Tineye, Baidu or Karma Decay (for Reddit) search engines, to query the new Database of Known Fakes (DBKF), to fragment videos from various platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Daily Motion) into keyframes, to enhance and explore keyframes and images through a magnifying lens, to query Twitter more efficiently through time intervals and through a new Social Network Analysis module, to read video and image metadata, to check the video copyrights, to quickly search for fact checks or cross-network queries, and to apply a new enhanced forensic toolbox on images suspected of being manipulated. Another new forensic module, CheckGIF made in the EnVisu4 IFCN project, allows you to create a GIF between a manipulated image and an original one to better reveal the manipulation.
A new assistant feature will help you to find which tool can be used to support your verification work. The plugin is currently provided in English, French, Spanish and Greek language.
A demo and a classroom section provide examples of manipulated images or videos together with explanations and media literacy tools and tips about the information verification process, for teachers and scholars.
A feedback button is available directly in the interface. Thanks to use it to report any bug, any issue (providing the link of the media to be checked), or any improvement suggestion, in this way. We welcome feedback. Thank you.
The plugin respects your privacy and no personal data is recorded. We use Google Analytics to better understand usage. Some features (Twitter SNA, CheckGIF, GIF export on forensic toolkit) are reserved to fact-checkers, journalists and researchers due to the high demanding computer power needed and to avoid misuse.
The plugin was initially launched in July 2017 during the InVID European project, a Horizon 2020 innovation action funded by the European Union under grant agreement 687786.
For more information on the past InVID project, visit the InVID website or Twitter account (www.invid-project.eu ; @InVID_EU).
The verification plugin maintained by AFP Medialab R&D is currently enhanced by the WeVerify project, funded by the European Union under grant agreement 825297.
Disclaimer: this software is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
Technical Information
Package Name: | mhccpoafgdgbhnjfhkcmgknndkeenfhe?hl=en-US |
Version: | 0.75.1 |
File size: | 3.58MiB |