Weather for Chrome Extension
By weatherextension.com
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Weather for Chrome Extension
Weather for Chrome Extension Mode Free Download
Weather for Chrome Extension
The best way to see the Weather Forecast right in your browser. Easier than looking outside!
Weather automatically locates and displays your current weather forecast, hourly and 7 day forecast. The app icon will automatically update to your current temperature. Very easy to use with more features coming soon!
* Multiple Weather Data Sources (Visual Crossing Api, DarkSky Api, and more)
* Hourly and 7 day forecasts
* Precipitation and Severe Weather alerts
* Temperature in your Toolbar
* Geolocation
* English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Bulgaria, Turkish and German support
* Multiple locations
* Animated icons
* Set custom location by address or zip code
* Choose Fahrenheit or Celsius
* Settings sync between devices
* 12h/24h time format
* Accurate Weather Forecast
FAQ: timleland.com/weather-extension-faq
Technical Information
Package Name: | iolcbmjhmpdheggkocibajddahbeiglb?hl=en-US |
Version: | 5.0.9 |
File size: | 8.45MiB |