axe-coconut - Web Accessibility Testing

axe-coconut – Web Accessibility Testing

By Deque Systems

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axe-coconut – Web Accessibility Testing Mode Free Download

axe-coconut Accessibility Checker for Developers in Chrome
Experimental Accessibility testing in Chrome DevTools

To make it easy for everyone to test the leading edge of axe-core, we’ve introduced this new free Chrome extension, called axe Coconut. It includes our latest code changes for Shadow DOM, with experimental rules also enabled.

The axe Coconut extension, created in the same vein as a Chrome Canary or Firefox Nightly, will allow you to try out our latest APIs and rules before they are released to more stable channels, such as our regular axe Chrome Extension.

You can find the stable release of the axe Extension here:

This extension is governed by the license agreement at


Operating System: Web Borwser

Price: Free

Author Details

Mst. Kulsum Akter

Technical Information

Package Name: iobddmbdndbbbfjopjdgadphaoihpojp
Version: build 64ce1e36b6
File size: 2.04MiB

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